Cooperation IPack and OMCE S.p.A, resulting in KOSHER Certifcate
The strong cooperation, integration and multiple synergies between IPack and OMCE results in the renewal of the valued Kosher certificate.
Feel free to follow this link to the Kosher 2023 logo.
La forte cooperazione, integrazione e molteplici sinergie tra IPack e OMCE risulta nel rinnovo del pregiato certificato Kosher.
Seguite questo link per il logo Kosher 2023.

Cooperation IPack and OMCE S.p.A, resulting in KOSHER Certifcate
The strong cooperation and integration between IPack and OMCE brings new synergies for a variety of industrial packaging .
The selective materials used for the production of the latest HDPE-tanks comply with the extensive requirements and specifications according to the food regulation EC 10/2011, FDA and other severe food institutes.
By meeting the requested manufacturing processes and management systems within our companies the Kosher Certification has been obtained for our customers in the food industry using our Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC)
Our valued customers can easily download the Kosher logo following this link.
For more details don’t hesitate to contact our team via email or by phone 0039 388 433 6782.
Collaborazione IPack e OMCE S.p.A risulta in certificazione KOSHER
La forte cooperazione e integrazione tra IPack e OMCE porta nuove sinergie per una varietà di imballaggi industriali.
I materiali utilizzati per la produzione delle otri in HDPE soddisfano i numerosi requisiti e specifiche secondo il regolamento alimentare CE 10/2011, FDA e altri severi istituti alimentari.
Grazie ai processi di produzione e i sistemi di gestione presenti all'interno delle nostre aziende, è stata ottenuta la certificazione Kosher per uso delle nostre cisterne (IBC) nell'industria alimentare.
Il logo Kosher e scaricabile per i nostri clienti seguendo il link.
Per maggiori dettagli non esitate a contattare il nostro team via email o per telefono 0039 388 433 6782.
Der Kooperation zwischen IPack und OMCE S.p.A. wurde das KOSHER-Zertifikat erteilt
Die starke Zusammenarbeit und Integration zwischen IPack und OMCE bringt eine Vielzahl neuer Synergien im Bereich von Industrieverpackungen.
Die ausgewählten Materialien, die für die Produktion der neuesten HDPE- Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) verwendet werden, entsprechen den umfangreichen Anforderungen und Spezifikationen der Lebensmittelverordnung EC 10/2011, der FDA und anderer strenger Lebensmittelregularien.
Durch die Einhaltung der geforderten Herstellungsprozesse und Managementsysteme innerhalb unserer Unternehmen wurde die Koscher-Zertifizierung für unsere Kunden in der Lebensmittelindustrie, die unsere Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) verwenden, erteilt.
Unsere geschätzten Kunden können das Koscher-Logo einfach über diesen Link herunterladen.
Für weitere Informationen zögern Sie nicht, unser Team per E-Mail oder per Telefon +39 388 433 6782 zu kontaktieren.
The IPACK Group Strengthens
its TEAM
We are proud to welcome our newest member IPACK SWITZERLAND (IPACK-CH) in the IPACK GROUP.
IPack Switzerland - Monika Schwertner is a Swiss sole ownership and has taken over the exclusive distribution for the Swiss market within the IPACK Group. The IPACK SWITZERLAND (IPACK-CH) team stands for many years of successful activity in the chemical - industrial environment in the Swiss market.
Their strengths are focused on: solution-oriented sales, logistical coordination, recycling, and a high level of service and environmental awareness are the benefits for our customers.
We look forward to expanding our market knowledge and service with our partner IPACK-CH and achieving a sustainable future together.
Die IPACK Group verstärkt ihr TEAM
Wir begrüßen unser neuestes Mitglied IPACK SCHWEIZ (IPACK-CH) in der IPACK GROUP.
IPack Schweiz - Monika Schwertner ist eine schweizerische Einzelfirma und hat innerhalb der IPACK Gruppe den exklusiven Vertrieb für den Schweizer Markt übernommen. Das IPACK SCHWEIZ (IPACK-CH) Team steht für langjährige erfolgreiche Tätigkeit im chemisch-industriellen Umfeld im Schweizer Markt. Ihre Stärken liegen im Fokus: Lösungsorientierter Vertrieb, logistische Koordination, Recycling sowie ein hoher Dienstleistungs- und Umweltgedanke sind der Gewinn für unsere Kunden..
Wir freuen uns darauf, mit unserem Partner IPACK-CH unsere Marktkenntnisse und unseren Service zu erweitern und gemeinsam eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu gestalten.
Our team is proud to announce that IPack ITALIA S.R.L. has recently been established.
Thanks to the full integrated collaboration with our partner OMCE S.p.A, established in 1955 ( and highly specialized in the production of steel and plastic packaging, this new operating unit, based in southern Piedmont in Italy, will strengthen our presence in the market delivering the full package of refurbished, regenerated and new industrial packaging, and at the same time, contributing significantly to the reduction of the CO2 footprint and to a sustainable future together.
The goal is to best satisfy all the requests of our valued customers.
IPack ITALIA S.R.L. precedes other similar initiatives throughout Europe. We will keep you informed on the new rapid evolutions that will take place shortly.